February 7, 2025

Grant Leclair

Efficient Outdoor Automation

Tips for Hosting a Safe, Outdoor Event


Outdoor events are a great way to bring people together, but they can also be dangerous if you don’t plan ahead. I’ve hosted several outdoor parties, including weddings and music festivals, and have learned a lot about what makes an event safe — and what doesn’t. Here are some tips for hosting your own outdoor event safely:

Be sure to have safe exits

You should also have a plan for emergencies. Know the route you will take to get everyone to safety, whether that’s an exit or an evacuation area (like a local park).

  • Plan for fire exits. If there is a fire, be sure to have an escape route planned out in advance and make sure everyone knows what it is.
  • Plan for medical emergencies. Make sure you have enough first aid kits on hand so that people can treat themselves if they become injured during your event–and know how far away the closest hospital or clinic is located!
  • Plan for weather emergencies: If bad weather rolls into town while your event is happening outside, make sure there are other places nearby where people can go until things clear up again!

Know your crowd

  • Know your venue’s capacity. If a venue has a capacity of 100 people and you have 200 guests, it’s not going to go well for anyone involved.
  • Know the age of your attendees. Some events are suitable only for adults, while others may be open to children as well.
  • Determine whether alcohol is allowed onsite and if so, what rules apply (such as no glass bottles).
  • Ensure that security is present throughout the duration of your event–not just at entrances or exits–and follow up with them afterward to ensure they were helpful in making sure everyone got home safely

Use temporary fencing and barricades

Temporary fencing and barricades can be used to create a safe zone for guests, as well as to designate areas where you want people to stay. For example:

  • Use temporary fencing to create a no-fly zone for your event. This can be especially helpful if there are small children at the party, who may not understand why their toys will fly away if they throw them too high into the air.
  • Use temporary fencing around VIP tables or cabanas so that only invited guests have access to them (and no one else).
  • Use temporary fencing around parking lots so people know exactly where they’re supposed to park their cars, trucks or RV’s when they arrive at your place!

Choose well-lit spaces

The first step in choosing a space is to make sure it’s well-lit. Lighting plays an important role in the design process, and you want to select lights that are appropriate for the space and event.

Lighting should be safe, energy efficient, durable and easy to install and maintain. The type of lighting used depends on your budget as well as what you’re trying to accomplish with your event–meaning that one size doesn’t fit all!

Provide a visible security presence and be prepared for emergencies.

Provide a visible security presence and be prepared for emergencies.

In addition to providing security guards, it’s also important to make sure that your event has an emergency plan in place. If something were to happen at the venue or during your event, you need to know what steps should be taken next–and who will take them. Your staff members should know where the nearest fire extinguisher is located and how it works; they should also know how many people are currently inside the building (both guests and staff). If there is no way out of an area where smoke or toxic fumes have accumulated due to an accident or fire, then everyone should remain calm until help arrives because panicked running around will only make matters worse.*

Outdoor events can be fun if you keep safety in mind.

When you’re planning an outdoor event, safety should be your primary concern. It’s important to consider the weather and any potential hazards before choosing a venue. The last thing you want is for guests to get hurt or sick because of poor planning on your part!

When hosting an event in nature, there are certain things that can go wrong that wouldn’t happen at home–like bugs or animals coming into contact with people who may be allergic; uneven terrain causing someone to trip; dangerous plants growing near where people will be walking; sudden changes in temperature causing overheating or hypothermia; insects stinging or biting people as they walk through tall grasses (or whatever). These are just some examples of how things could go wrong if you don’t plan ahead when deciding on a location for your next get-together outside


We hope you have a fun, safe event!